Exhausting and Exhilarating

Going into the last week of our trip I am both exhausted and exhilarated. I have not had the time or energy to post since we left Israel last week, but have experienced many wonderful things. I have also  wondered at the difference between the two countries we are visiting. They are neighbors, and share access to the Jordan River and the Dead Sea. They have many similarities, such as the landscape, their foods, and their passion for country. However, Israel seems to have much more money and education, and less poverty than Jordan. I am not sure how much of this culture, since Jordan is a more conservative country, or how much is influenced by money since Israel is supported by the U.S. and Jordan is not.

Everyone in both countries are very hospitable and proud of their country. I used to think all of the Israeli flags that I saw across the country were more anti-Palestinian than pro-Israel, but I am seeing just as many, if not more Jordanian flags now that we are in Jordan. I see a strong national pride now in those flags, rather than the original conflict I saw when we were in Israel.

In the last week since we crossed from Israel to Jordan I have seen Wadi Rum, slept in a Bedouin camp, hiked for two days in Petra (one being a terrifying hike up a steep mountain that I did not think I would make it through), seen Little Petra, a Crusader fortress, Dana Biosphere Reserve, hiked 14-16 km (approximately) through the Dana Biosphere Reserve, Feynan Biolodge, and arrived in Amman. It has been a lot to take in over such a short period of time. I really have had a hard time digesting it all because it is like drinking from a fire hose. I hope to be able to have time to think about it all over the next week before we leave. Things do not seem to be as intense on our schedule for this last week, so I am going to work to have time to myself to sit and think about all of the fascinating things I have seen. Sleeping under the stars, riding through the desert, hiking through the desert, experiencing such ancient and rich cultures are all things that deserve due time and consideration.


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